The Usefulness of English Majors

As a major, English has become something of a whipping boy the past few years.  As a language, it continues to flourish.  I try to take all the jokes from peers and concerned looks from adults in stride, placing my confidence in the logic and reason behind my decision.  However, despite my good-natured front, these pokes and jabs really do get at me.  English is an incredibly complex and challenging major, with a long list of famous and successful graduates.  Because of this, I decided to write a post highlighting just how important my major is by putting forth several scenarios where holding the degree is a major advantage.  I hope this is educational and provides inspiration for English majors everywhere.

english situation #1

english situation #2

english situation #3

english situation #4

english situation #5

It’s also a breeding ground for snarky bloggers.

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